Latest In: Privacy

RFID Deployment Strategies: Implementing RFID in Europe: Privacy and Security Standards Guidelines

In 2008, the European Commission issued a standardization mandate in the field of information and communication technologies applied…

Video May 6

RFID and Consumer Privacy

This video, created the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, explains the privacy issues associated…

Video March 2

Real-World Solutions for RFID Security and Privacy

This webinar will discuss the ever-changing landscape of security vulnerabilities, in the light of specific applications to identify…

Video March 2

Security and Privacy in RFID

RFID systems and applications consistently gain in maturity, becoming increasingly automated and continually enabling new heights of process…

Video February 21

RFID and Privacy: What You Need to Tell Your Customers and the Media

Having a communication strategy in place is key for retailers and apparel manufacturers to consider as they move…

Video February 3