Expert Views Submissions are Welcomed at RFID Journal

Published: January 22, 2025 is the home for the RFID and related technologies community. As such, we look to amplify the voices and view points that are held on the important issues of the day.

We are frequently asked if we accepts articles from outside contributors. The short answer is “Yes, we do.” The longer response is that it depends on the articles being submitted.

When it comes to news stories, we prefer to write our articles in-house or cross-post them from other Emerald publications. That allows us to maintain editorial quality and journalistic integrity.

However, RFID Journal does publish vendor-neutral guest editorials that we call Expert Views, which cover radio frequency identification (RFID), Near Field Communication (NFC), Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and related technologies.

Submission Criteria

Our opinion-based Expert Views run between 700 and 1,000 words; but we stress that you should not write to a number. We do edit all articles before publishing them, but it is done in a collaborative way so that the content is in your voice. These guest editorials should make a clear point and provide a fresh prospective or insights for our readership that go beyond the typical issues we cover daily in our news coverage.

Most importantly, they should not focus on promoting a particular company or its products, as they are intended as education rather than as advertising or marketing.

If you’d like to contribute a guest editorial, I invite you to email [email protected] and let us know what you’d like to write about. Or, if you already have an article handy and ready for submission, feel free to send it along as a DOC file (no PDFs, please, as I edit all articles before publishing them).

Please submit only articles that have not been previously published in print or online, as we prefer that our content remain exclusive to RFID Journal for six months after the date of publication, during which time we promote the articles in our weekly email newsletters.

White Papers

We also accept longer contributed articles, including case studies and advisory pieces, which we post to our white paper library. RFID Journal invites members of the academic, industrial and research communities to submit white papers relevant to our coverage areas.

Topics include supply chain, manufacturing, healthcare, retail, asset tracking, standards and regulations, social distancing, vaccine management, security, privacy and more.

White papers should be 1,000 to 2,000 words in length, though again, they can be longer if the topic warrants it, and they should be submitted as a PDF.

Submitted papers discussing case studies should provide detailed information about a business problem that needed to be solved, the technology options considered, how the chosen solution was implemented, any problems encountered, the benefits achieved and so forth. Advisory pieces, meanwhile, should provide in-depth information to help our readers. The key is to enable our reading audience to better deploy RFID and IoT technologies, and to foster widespread adoption.

If you decide to submit an article, please send along a headshot of the author as a high-res JPG, along with a one-paragraph bio. Relevant charts and/or tables can be included (again in JPG format), though they’re not necessary. There is no monetary compensation for articles submitted.

Press Releases

You can also send us your latest announcements. Has your firm introduced a new product regarding RFID, NFC, BLE, the IoT or related technologies? Have your solutions been deployed by a new end user? Or do you have news you’d like to share regarding supply chains, manufacturing, healthcare, retailing, security, asset tracking, privacy, standards and regulations, logistics, transportation or other applications?

If so, email your press release to [email protected]. If it’s a good match with our website’s focus, I can have a reporter reach out to you for more information, or I can include the announcement in our weekly RFID News Roundup.

In the meantime, why not consider submitting a contributed article of your own? If it’s interesting and relevant, we’ll happily consider it for publication. Our Expert Views archive is standing by.