Did you know that utilizing indicators allows a company greater visibility into its supply chain and reduces damage by up to 40 to 60 percent? No one can hide from supply chain damage, but there are solutions that can dramatically improve your damage rate. During this session, you will learn how to deter damage with accountability, detect damage with RFID and a visual indicator, and diagnose when and where the damage occurred, in order to save your company time and money. In this free webinar, you will learn how to use RFID to deter, detect and diagnose supply chain damage
Jan Van Niekerk
VP of Innovation and Engineering
As Vice President of Engineering and Innovation since January 2018, Jan directs the engineering team at SpotSee. He brings over 20 years of experience in firmware, microcontrollers, analog, TCP/IP, RF/RFID and security. Jan has managed the development of electronic solutions for tier-1 OEMs at Microchip Technology, Maxim Integrated Products, Intelleflex Corporation and RF Ops.
Todd Blumer
President and CEO
SDG Systems
Todd is an IT industry veteran with more than 30 years’ experience with specialties in mobile, cloud and data collection, including RFID. He has significant industry experience in leadership, software and technical marketing at companies, such as FORE Systems, Marconi and Data General. Todd holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Clemson University.