RFID Journal has announced the final agenda for this year’s RFID Journal LIVE! Europe conference and exhibition, to be held on Oct. 15, in London, England. The conference, focused on educating end users about how radio frequency identification technology is delivering real business benefits across Europe, will also feature a co-located event, RFID in Europe, connecting European end users, operators, solution providers, universities, research establishments, non-government and government organizations, and all other European stakeholders, through the promotion of national projects via an international network.
The year’s event will include the following presentations:
• Marks & Spencer, a leading U.K. retailer, will discuss the expansion of its RFID implementation to all of its stores (see Marks & Spencer Rolls Out RFID to All Its Stores). Attendees will learn why the company expects the system’s future potential benefits to provide greater visibility and accuracy of all stock at the item level, as well as lower the costs of annual stock-taking and reduce instances of theft and fraud.
• Wilkinson, a British housewares and household goods retailer, will share how it is fighting stock loss through the use of RFID. The presenter will explain how the system enables the company to identify who is stealing goods, when this occurs, through which doorway and which products are being taken. Attendees will hear how the retailer is using this collected data to prevent it from paying refunds to individuals attempting to return stolen goods to the stores, as well as compiling a database on a store-by-store basis.
• The Museum of London will discuss how it is utilizing Near Field Communication (NFC) RFID tags at its two facilities to heighten the customer experience (see London History Museum Adopts Technology of Future). Attendees will learn how the museums are using NFC-enabled technology to encourage visitors to interact with the exhibits, engage the museum via social media, book tickets and more.
• Tudespensa.com (Your Pantry), a Spanish online supermarket, will present a session explaining how it is employing RFID to ensure on-time delivery of goods to customers (see Online Grocer Tracks Orders Via RFID). The presenters will discuss how the solution collects information, stores it in Tudespensa’s database and, in the event that incorrect goods are loaded, issues an alert to warehouse management allowing them to stop the process and correct any errors.
• Roline, a Dutch truck tire and retreading company, is embedding RFID tags in the tires that it retreads (see Dutch Tire Company Bonds EPC Tags to Retreads). The company will share how it is able to create a record of when each tire was received, as well as from whom, and then track that tire through the retreading process via RFID.
“This one-day event is a great opportunity to learn how RFID is delivering benefits today, and to meet some of the leading RFID technology providers,” says Mark Roberti, RFID Journal‘s founder and editor.
In addition, LIVE! Europe will feature an exhibit area in which leading technology companies will showcase their latest solutions. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from those who have already deployed RFID, and to network with leading end users.
More information is available at the RFID Journal LIVE! Europe Web site, www.rfidjournalevents.com/europe, or by calling (631) 249-4960.