Founded in 1999, MWT Materials is the successor company to Millimeter Wave Technology, and we continue to use that name in our brand. We provide both material and services to the RF control industry and are ISO 9000 registered as well as space qualified.

With an extensive record of providing quality product to Commercial, Military, and Industrial organizations, we are confident that we can address your RF control needs. A specialty company, we are focused on meeting your specific requirements and not forcing you into a “one size fits all“ approach. We have your best interests in mind. Our RF Shielding and RF Absorption products are customized to your needs and are are flexible, resilient and available in quantity.

Our services include consulting, product and outside contractor validation and new product development. While our products are designed for easy customer installation, we provide those services as well.

Our facility supports state of the art E&M testing, die cutting, additive manufacture, and small scale metrology, in addition to traditional manufacture. Our product line includes test equipment, MagRAM and Electrical RAM products as well as active materials and isolation products.