Why Inventory Accuracy Is Retail’s “Burning Platform”—and How Item-Level RFID Can Help

Poor inventory accuracy and the issues it causes in retail are well-documented, but until recently, viable, cost-effective solutions that could mitigate or eliminate the problem did not exist. In the meantime, consumer demand for omnichannel shopping experiences and the increasing threat of online competition have elevated inventory accuracy from an irritation to a true “burning platform.” Retailers and brand owners cannot afford to sit idly by, achieving only 60 to 80 percent inventory accuracy, while their competition invests in solutions that enable accuracy close to 100 percent.

The competitive gap between those who embrace item-level RFID solutions to drive inbound and outbound shipment quality, sales lift, shrink reduction and omnichannel execution, and those who do not, will continue to widen. Today, more than ever, retailers and brand owners understand the theoretical value proposition that RFID provides. We want to take you a level deeper, to understand what a solution looks like, what it does and how it delivers value to real-world customers.

Join us to get an up-close, tangible look at how item-level RFID solutions can address this burning platform. During this webinar, you will:

• Discover why inventory accuracy has become a “burning platform,” and what you can do about it
• Take a peek under the hood to see how an item-level RFID solution known as Clarity addresses each of the issues that have made inventory accuracy the burning platform it is—in practical, non-theoretical terms
• Learn about real-world business cases of customers that have adopted an item-level RFID solution
• Explore features within the Clarity software that are making the adoption of item-level RFID solutions easier than ever

With increasing pressure from online retailers and customers that demand to be served through the channel of their choice, retailers cannot afford to be unaware of what they have in stock at any given moment. Enough has been said about the financial and functional benefits of item-level RFID—join us to learn, up close and personal, how a world-class item-level system actually works.