This award will be given to the company that exhibits the best new RFID product or service at RFID Journal LIVE! 2017. An independent panel of judges has selected 10 finalists, which have been divided into three groups. Each finalist will speak for a few minutes about its product. The finalists in Group 1 are:
- Confidex, for its Links NFC Portfolio, which enables customers to choose memory options and customized printing
- Farsens, for its Rocky 100 configurable RFID chip, which lets companies use a single chip to develop multiple, distinct battery-free sensors
- Guard RFID, for its self-powered and wireless active RFID reader and tag exciter, and its fully wireless real-time location network, for sites without power or Internet connectivity
- HID Global for its Seal Tag edTamper UHF system, which alerts users to tampering even after a seal has been broken
- Identiv for its uTrust Sense Temperature Tracker, a low-cost, portable temperature sensor that can be read by an NFC-enabled phone