Over the past year or so, I have been approached by several midsize and large multinational companies looking to educate senior-level executives about how radio frequency identification technologies could improve the way they do business. Top executives have wanted to hear who was using RFID in their industry, as well as in other sectors, and how. They’ve wanted to learn where RFID could benefit them today, and how they might deploy the technology productively in various parts of their operations.
I volunteered my time to help out, but the requests are starting to increase, so I’ve decided that RFID Journal will conduct private executive briefings as a fee-based service. For companies interested in a fully customized private half-day or full-day seminar, we will help bring senior executives or a cross-functional RFID team up to speed about how firms in their industry are using the technology successfully to lower costs and boost efficiencies.
Where appropriate, we will bring in outside speakers, primarily end users, who are properly using RFID to drive business benefits. What’s more, I will tailor presentations to address the specific needs of each particular executive group. As the founder and editor of RFID Journal, I have a deep knowledge and understanding of RFID’s applications, how the technology is evolving and where it is delivering value, as well as a broad knowledge of which industries are utilizing RFID—and how.
The meetings will be kept strictly confidential. Executives will have the opportunity to have their questions answered, and working groups can be organized to help your team identify opportunities in which RFID can impact your company in meaningful ways.
We can build an RFID Executive Seminar into a company’s next internal leadership meeting, or run it as a standalone event. Seminars will be completely customized to a firm’s particular needs, but all will provide the following:
An Overview of RFID Today:
Senior executives will hear the truth about where RFID adoption currently stands, where it is making a difference for companies in specific industries, and how smart businesses have developed strategies to deploy the technology in a way that enhances their business goals.
Relevant Case Studies:
Senior executives will gain insights into how leading companies are deploying the technology in the real world, and how they are cutting costs, boosting efficiencies and achieving other benefits. The case studies chosen will be relevant to a company’s specific industry, but we’ll also discuss best practices from other industries.
Technology Overview:
Learn about the different types of RFID systems, how they work, how they are different, how they map to specific application requirements and how they can be integrated with other technologies, such as 2D bar codes, infrared and GPS, to create an automatic-identification infrastructure. In addition, you can hear about the software options available, and come away with strategies for integrating RFID data with your back-end systems.
Working Groups:
If appropriate, the participants in an RFID Executive Seminar will be split into working groups to develop a list of next steps for forming an overall RFID strategy, as well as potential pilots and a strategy for prioritizing projects. The results of this work will be presented to the group and discussed.
My hope is that these seminars will provide executives with an understanding of how RFID can impact their business, and where the technology can deliver benefits. Even more important, I hope we can help companies avoid mistakes and deploy the technology in a way that delivers a near-term return on investment, while also enhancing their competitive advantage, thereby ensuring long-term success.
For more information about these private RFID executive briefings, please e-mail me at
[email protected].
Mark Roberti is the founder and editor of RFID Journal. If you would like to comment on this article, click on the link below. To read more of Mark’s opinions, visit the RFID Journal Blog, the Editor’s Note archive or RFID Connect.