Everything You Need to Put RFID to Work

RFID Journal's fifth annual RFID Journal LIVE! will provide new insights into how companies can leverage RFID today.
Published: November 20, 2006

It’s become a ritual. Each year, we survey our readers and ask them what they’d like to learn about RFID—and what speakers they want to hear from—at our annual RFID Journal LIVE! conference and exhibition. We analyze the data, then develop an agenda that will address the interests and needs of our readers.

Based on this year’s survey results, the editors of RFID Journal recently put together the most comprehensive agenda ever for RFID Journal LIVE! 2007, which will be held in Orlando, Fla., April 30 to May 2.

Survey respondents expressed an even greater interest in industry-specific tracks than last year. So RFID Journal LIVE! 2007 will feature sessions in which leading end users detail the progress they’ve made in five industries over the last year:

While many respondents are involved in pilots, many others are new to RFID. Some asked for information about how to get started. Others wanted practical information, best practices and lessons learned from actual deployments. And senior executives wanted information about how to develop and execute a successful RFID strategy. To address the needs of each of these groups, we”ve organized content in three additional tracks:

The event will also feature eight preconferences conceived to address the educational needs of specific audiences within the broader RFID community.

  • RFID Journal University offers the foundational knowledge needed to understand RFID applications and engage vendors (Getting Started assumes you have this foundational knowledge and focuses on taking the first steps toward deployment).

  • RFID in Packaging
    explains how RFID will impact packaging suppliers and purchasers.

  • RFID Channel Seminar
    helps systems integrators, resellers and VARs understand how they can add RFID to their service offerings.

  • RFID Investors’ Forum
    provides insights into the market for venture capitalists and other investors.

  • RFID in the Cold Chain
    shows how RFID and related technologies can improve operations and save produce, pharmaceutical and other companies money.

  • RFID Payment Systems
    covers RFID-enabled credit and loyalty cards, and explains how they can be used to improve the consumer experience.

  • RFID Legal & Public Policy Forum
    is for the corporate counsels at both technology and end-user companies and covers issues such as patent-infringement lawsuits and legal liabilities associated with adopting or selling RFID systems.

  • RFID Academic Convocation
    is a co-located event hosted by MIT for researchers, vendors and end users from around the world.

We will also be working with RFID4U to provide Fast-Track CompTIA RFID+ Training & Certification. Attendees can attend the course on Monday, April 30, then take the certification test during the remainder of the conference. More than 60 attendees found the Fast Track training helpful last year, so we’re offering it again.

Our keynote speaker is Rollin Ford, CIO of Wal-Mart, who will update the audience on Wal-Mart’s progress in rolling out RFID to its 4,000 stores in the United States and address the retailer’s plans going forward.

In addition, the conference program has many speakers who have rarely spoken about their RFID projects before, including:

  • George Chappelle, Chief Information Officer, Sara Lee Corporation
  • Kwang Chen, Manager West Coast IT Operations Development, APM Terminals
  • Page Siplon, Executive Director, Marine Logistics Innovation Center
  • Frank Stamper, IT Manager, Whatever It Takes Transmission Parts
  • C.E. Tan, General Manager, Intermech Machinery (Singapore Mirror)

Our 86,000-square-foot exhibit hall will host the largest showcase of top technology providers, demonstrating the latest RFID products that could benefit your business today.

We’re also working with Disney to give attendees the opportunity to combine the event with a Walt Disney World vacation (see Disney Packages). Bring the family down to enjoy a break before or after the conference and get the best RFID education available. I hope you’ll join me in Orlando, April 30 to May 2, for RFID Journal LIVE! 2007. It’s going to be an invaluable experience.

Mark Roberti is the founder and editor of RFID Journal. If you would like to comment on this article, click on the link below.