Come and learn how the new Microsoft BizTalk RFID framework can help you track and trace physical objects as they move through the supply chain, and orchestrate supply chain visibility solutions at the edge of the enterprise via a scalable, high performance, feature-rich and production ready platform in an easy, cost effective manner. You will hear first hand how the ‘Track & Trace’ solution from CHEP (global leader in pallet pooling), was built from the ground up on the BizTalk RFID Infrastructure, and the business benefits (ROI) that have been realized by this 24×7 ‘live’ production deployment.
Brian S. Beattie, Senior Vice President, Marketing, CHEP
Anush Kumar, Product Manager, BizTalk RFID, Microsoft
Puneet Sawhney, Global Program Manager, RFID, CHEP
Rich Sherman, Director, Global Supply Chain Strategy, Microsoft
Mark Roberti, Editor and Founder, RFID Journal
Published: November 11, 2013
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