Blockchain Track Presentation Recordings and Slides

Published: October 20, 2020

Below you will find links to the recordings and slides from the Blockchain Track sessions held during  RFID Journal Virtually LIVE! 2020.

Thurs., Oct. 1, 10:00 AM- 10:30 AM
Chain Integration Project (CHIP)
Blockchain was a logical next step after Auburn University’s research in 2018 found that over a dozen retail and brand partners were able to identify significant value for RFID in the upstream supply chain. In 2019 the group implemented a blockchain solution to quickly and accurately share data between the supply chain partners. Key takeaways: Learn how this solution can be used to overcome the supply chain’s hesitancy to share detailed supply chain data. Hear the results of the pilot project.
Speakers: Jonathan Gregory, Director of Community Engagement, Apparel and General Merchandise, GS1 US
Justin Patton. Director, RFID Center  Auburn University

Recording | Presentation Slides


Thurs., Oct. 1, 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
The Blockchain Supply Chain: Improving Traceability and Logistics Processes
Blockchain enables companies to record every event or transaction within a supply chain. This information can then be shared in a secure, transparent and efficient manner. What are the challenges of implementing a blockchain system? AIM has put together an expert panel that will answer that question and more. This group of experts will share their experiences in utilizing blockchain applications with AIDC technologies, such as IoT and RFID, and discuss how blockchain improves the traceability and reliability of information.
Speakers: Scott Austin, Senior Executive Vice President, Americas, Everledger
Sowmya Varadarajan, Industry Solutions and Business Development, IBM
Therese Myers, CEO, Infratab

Recording | Presentation Slides