RFID Journal LIVE! 2023 to Feature AIM Pavilion

This year's conference and exhibition will feature a special pavilion in the exhibit hall with leading members of AIM North America.
Published: April 10, 2023

RFID Journal LIVE! 2023 will feature end-user companies discussing RFID’s use in various industries, as well as exhibitors offering tagging solutions for multiple applications. To learn more, visit the event’s website.

RFID Journal has announced that an AIM Pavilion will be featured in the exhibit hall at RFID Journal LIVE! 2023, the world’s premier conference and exhibition focused on the many business applications of radio frequency identification (RFID) and other Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. This year’s event will be held on May 9–11 in Orlando, Fla.

The AIM Pavilion will highlight companies that are members of AIM North America, an international trade association representing providers of automatic identification technologies, including barcodes, RFID, real-time location systems (RTLS) and mobile computing. The following businesses will exhibit their solutions at this year’s AIM Pavilion:

Why You Should Attend RFID Journal LIVE!

Now in its 21st year, LIVE! will feature more than 80 exhibitors from 26 countries showcasing best-in-class RFID tags, readers, software and implementation services. Innovative new products are introduced at LIVE! every year, and attendees are among the first to see the newest RFID products.

With visitors from all around the world, LIVE! unites the global RFID community with a unique educational conference. This year’s event will include three days of industry-specific and how-to tracks, as well as general education for those new to the market. The educational sessions and conference offerings are specifically designed to help attendees and exhibitors plan strategies, network, buy and sell, and learn and share ideas.

The conference will feature fast-track RFID Professional Institute Certified Associate training presented by RFID4U. During this advanced, one-day fast-track course, attendees will receive an overview on how to design, install, configure, monitor and troubleshoot an RFID system in the field. The training will prepare participants for the RFID Professional Institute Certified Associate exam, which will be delivered onsite.

In addition, the event will feature keynote speakers and other conference sessions across nine unique tracks that will provide insight into successful rollouts of RFID and IoT technologies in multiple industries. The conference will showcase sophisticated and innovative deployments, demonstrating how such technologies are being used across major industries. What’s more, the winners will be announced for this year’s RFID Journal Awards (see Finalists Announced for 17th Annual RFID Journal Awards). For more information, visit rfidjournallive.com.