RFID Journal Announces Final Agenda for RFID in Health Care 2012

The event will focus on educating health-care providers about how radio frequency identification technology is helping to improve patient safety and operations.
Published: August 2, 2012

RFID Journal announced today the final agenda for RFID in Health Care 2012. The conference and exhibition will be held on Sept. 6, 2012, at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers, in Massachusetts.

RFID in Health Care will feature leading hospital executives explaining how they use radio frequency identification technologies to improve asset-utilization rates, reduce expenses and improve patient outcomes, and will provide a unique learning experience for health-care executives. Early adopters will share the results of real-world deployments, and answer questions regarding the benefits they have achieved from deploying RFID.

Attendees will gain valuable insights into the proper RFID technologies to employ for various applications, and find out how to avoid common pitfalls. This event, to be held in Boston—considered to be the epicenter of the U.S. health-care industry—will combine thought-provoking presentations, expert panelists and an exhibit area showcasing the latest RFID solutions for the health-care industry. Guests will also have the opportunity to meet the leading technology companies and view their latest solutions.

Confirmed speakers include:

• Jay Adams, IT enterprise architect at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare

• Lynne Briggs, BloodCenter of Wisconsin‘s VP and CIO

• Clive P. Hohberger, Ph.D., RFID systems architect at BloodCenter of Wisconsin

• Diane Hubisz, operations director of Tufts Medical Center‘s CardioVascular Center

• Michael McDonald, VA VISN 11 biomedical engineering chief of the U.S. Department of Veterans AffairsVeterans in Partnership (VISN11) Healthcare Network

• Chad Neal, director of technology at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (OSUWMC)

• Todd Pawlicki, Ph.D., professor and director of the University of California, San Diego‘s Department of Radiation Medicine and Applied Sciences

• Mark Roberti, RFID Journal‘s founder and editor

• Robert M. Sheridan, director of interventional radiology within Massachusetts General Hospital‘s Department of Imaging

• Ashley Simmons, Florida Hospital‘s operations performance improvement consultant

Sessions will focus on RFID applications for improving patient care, efficiency and safety, tracking assets and automating supply management. Speakers will also describe best practices and lessons learned for getting the most out of an RFID implementation.

“This is a great opportunity for health-care providers to learn how RFID technologies can be used in a variety of applications within hospitals and clinics,” says Mark Roberti, RFID Journal‘s founder and editor. “RFID in Health Care is the one event where health-care providers can learn from their peers how to use radio frequency identification to cut costs and improve patient outcomes.”

More information is available at the RFID in Health Care Web site, or by contacting attendee registration at
[email protected] or 631-249-4960.