Internet of Things Forum to Discuss Agribusiness

The event, the main theme of which will be IoT and cyber-physical systems, will be held on Sept. 17-18 at Brazil's Pro Magno Events Center.
Published: August 9, 2019

The Brazilian Internet of Things Forum (IoT Forum) will host its 4th IoT Brazilian and Latin American Congress on Sept. 17-18, from 11 AM to 8 PM, at the Pro Magno Event Center in São Paulo. The event will be held in conjunction with the Technology Hub Brazil fair.

The main theme of the forum will be the Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems, with several lectures on the subject. Agribusiness involving the IoT will also be highlighted, under the coordination of Reinaldo de Bernardi, the director of the Center for Innovation in Agribusiness (CIAg).

Reinaldo de Bernardi

According to João Neves Fernandes, the IoT Forum’s director, “The panel will focus on new developments in connectivity in the field, which has always been one of the bottlenecks that hindered the deployment of Internet of Things solutions, new tools for innovation, increased productivity and product quality.”

Bernardi’s lecture, titled “Utilizing Spectrophotometry in Agriculture: Experimental Results,” will address the growing adoption of precision agriculture, the development of diagnostic systems and the required analysis. “The lecture presents the use of spectrophotometry and machine learning as tools for diagnosis and analysis of soil and leaf nutrients,” he explains.

According to Fernandes, the IoT Forum created its Cyber Security Group IoT (CSG-IOT) this past March, in cooperation with national and international experts, to conduct studies and find specific security solutions for the IoT, with an eye on market demands globally. “The CSG-IOT will be responsible for the panel on technological advances and the proliferation of IoT systems,” he says.

Among those confirmed to attend the event are Fabio Martinelli, the research director of the Italian National Research Council and a leader of cyber-security projects, and Pierre-Henri Cros of France’s Recherche en Informatique Institute of Toulouse. The themes to be discussed will include Industry 4.0 and the impacts and opportunities for small- and medium-sized companies; hardware, software and network architectures for cyber-physical systems, the IoT and Industry 4.0; how to undertake IoT solutions; digital transformation cases; international collaboration experiences (joint projects in Brazil, Europe and the United States); and embedded systems.