On May 2, 2007, RFID journal presented the first-ever RFID Journal Awards for outstanding achievement in radio frequency identification technology, at RFID Journal LIVE! 2007, our fifth annual conference and exhibition. The award winners are:
• Hewlett-Packard Brazil for best RFID implementation (see Keeping Tabs on Printers)
• DHL for best use of RFID in a service (see A Prescription for Spoiled Drugs)
• Dow AgroSciences for most innovative use of RFID (see Getting the Bugs Out)
You can read about each company’s RFID project—and see why it is being honored—in the above-linked case studies. Each story is unique, highlighting the many different ways RFID technology can be implemented. Each shows how RFID can be used profitably today. And each will likely inspire end users to deploy RFID in new ways to create real business value.