Can RFID Be Used to Track Visitors?

Published: April 30, 2010

Do you know of any businesses that provide visitor-management solutions based on radio frequency identification, to track people moving within various floors of a building in real time?

—Jignesh, India



A wide variety of companies offer technologies that can be utilized for visitor tracking, though most do not offer out-of-the-box solutions for monitoring individuals within an office building.

A number of firms, including AT&T, have developed solutions for tracking students, which might also work for your needs (see AT&T Steps into RFID Student-Tracking Minefield). In addition, zoos and other organizations have applied RFID to tracking and managing visitors (see RFID Helped Monkey Zoo Ease Crowding).

A number of companies have employed the technology to track personnel within their facilities for safety purposes (see Posco Steel Mill Improves Safety, Energy Conservation). And during the 2004 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), hospitals tracked visitors using RFID systems (see Singapore Fights SARS With RFID).

All of the solutions deployed could work for your needs. Perhaps vendors with viable solutions will post information below.

—Mark Roberti, Editor, RFID Journal