When a newly constructed hospital opened its doors for the first time, it already had a real-time location system (RTLS) up and running. The facility has 58 inpatient beds and 15 more in the ER, which treats approximately 70 to 80 patients daily. Its goal was to improve efficiency, regulatory compliance, and patient satisfaction and care. The RTLS solution employs RFID tags and readers to identify the locations of assets, patients and personnel, as well as software for managing the collected location data. To date, the RTLS has ensured that no asset has ended up missing. More importantly, the solution is helping workers locate assets quickly, thereby enabling them to spend more time serving patients. Learn how the patient-tracking function makes it possible to automate the discharge process, as well as find patients for friends and family, while the personnel-tracking capability enables the system to identify which staff members have been within the vicinity of an infectious patient.