During its long history in the pulp business, Stora Enso has seen a lot of hidden value in the pulp supply chain—all the way from the producer, via ports, boats and trucks, to the pulp consumer. The lack of visibility and unit-level traceability inhibits these pulp value chain players from realizing the full value of pulp. There are supply chain inefficiencies due to a lack of correct inventory data, as well as shipment inaccuracies and manual administration. In addition, the lack of product-level quality data hinders producers from optimizing sales, and consumers from fully optimizing production. With Stora Enso’s complete solution for the pulp supply chain, the company’s clients can achieve full traceability across the supply chain, unlocking value for producers, transporters, warehouse operators and consumers. Stora Enso offers a turnkey solution with everything from repulpable RFID tags and reading equipment to software and services.
Speaker: Sten Neumann, Director of Sales and Business Development, Stora Enso