RFID Case Studies in Complex Manufacturing: Multi-Facility Assembly, Advanced Composites and Indirect Materials

Published: March 17, 2013

Industrial Manufacturing processes are becoming increasingly complex, and RFID and real-time location system (RTLS) technologies are playing a key role in managing them effectively. Newly reshored manufacturing operations are being co-located with research and development. Capital goods are being manufactured across multiple facilities and international borders. Advanced composites are shifting operations from discrete to process manufacturing. Product innovation has resulted in a proliferation of indirect materials. End customers are demanding custom products and visibility into production schedules. This poses both new opportunities and challenges for manufacturers, which are adding RFID-enabled work-in-process tracking, materials management, tooling-tracking, fabrication and inspection processes to their current operations. This session will discuss real-world examples of how RFID is helping manufacturers automate these processes, from managing multi-facility assembly processes to tracking perishable composite materials , custom orders, tooling and indirect materials. Project design, enterprise systems integration and implementation options will be discussed.

Speaker: Chris Forgione, Director of Asset Tracking, OATSystems, a division of Checkpoint Systems