Food Chain: Adding Business Value While Complying With the Food Safety Modernization Act

Published: February 28, 2013

The pending Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) of 2009 presents many unique, compliance-related challenges to entities at all levels of the food chain, while also providing new opportunities in the areas of quality assurance, operational intelligence, process efficiencies and brand equity management. This interactive session will cover several of these opportunity areas, and demonstrate how and where RFID and other sensory data can augment, and in some instances replace, manual process steps. Specific examples will be offered detailing how these technologies can facilitate compliance with the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), Traceability and Record Keeping requirements contained in the FSMA legislation.


Chris Foley, Principal, Foley Consultancy LLC
Michael Mc Cartney, Principal, QLM Consulting