Apparel Source Tagging in the RFID Era

Published: February 14, 2013

Apparel retailers have achieved dramatic business performance gains with RFID, by allowing store personnel to focus on customer service rather than inventory management. Now, some retailers are asking—if not demanding—that more of their suppliers RFID-tag their products, and soon. Success in the RFID source-tagging era does not have to be difficult. In fact, today’s solutions are not only mature, but remarkably flexible—and, just as important, they won’t slow down your operations. In this timely webinar, Impinj and Wipro walk you through a path to successful, on-time deployment—one that will allow you to scale your RFID source-tagging operation to multiple retail customers in the most cost-effective manner. As a special guest, the University of Arkansas’ RFID Research Center discusses its findings on ROI for retailers, and explain how you can participate in the organization’s new focus on business benefits to suppliers.

Dr. Larry Arnstein, Senior Director of Business Development, Impinj;
Mani Subramaniam, VP of Business Advisory Services, Wipro Technologies;
Dr. Bill Hardgrave, Director, RFID Research Center, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas