Latest In: Nurses

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Georgia State University GSU Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions healthcare Hospital IoT Lab at the University of New Mexico Jim Forbes Job Burnout Leveraging Real-Time Location Systems to Enhance Nursing Efficiency and Elevate Patient Care Marci Bennafield Nurses Real-Time Locating System RTLS Staff Duress Solution Vizzia Technologies Workplace Safety
Georgia State University Vizzia Technologies RTLS Healthcare Workers

Study: RTLS Can Help Alleviate Nurse Burnout Rate

  A Georgia State University study, funded by Vizzia Technologies, examined how RTLS technology can benefit hospital workers.…

News June 10
Arista BLE Bluetooth Low Energy Centrak Converge Health Care Hospitals IR Joseph DeLisle Midmark Nurses Patients Rauland real-time location system RTLS Sonitor

Nurse Call Solution Leverages RTLS Data

Rauland’s Converge platform enables hospitals to automate data capture about healthcare provider locations, and provide them with the…

News February 14