Does RFID Journal Publish RFID Procedure Manuals?

By RFID Journal

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Ask The ExpertsDoes RFID Journal Publish RFID Procedure Manuals?
RFID Journal Staff asked 11 years ago

If not, do you know of any company that does?

—Name withheld


There are many books about RFID technology, but I know of no manual that walks readers through a deployment. We do have a report titled How to Choose the Right RFID Technology: A Step-by-Step Guide, which outlines the process of choosing the proper RFID system—passive low-frequency (LF), high-frequency (HF) or ultrahigh-frequency (UHF), active technology, and so forth—to meet their particular needs.

The problem with trying to produce a deployment guide is that every deployment is different. One company might use RFID to track inventory within a store, while another might utilize the technology to track drill pipes at a laydown yard. The type of RFID you would need to employ, as well as the deployment steps you would need to take, would be very different for those two applications.

Even within the same industry, two companies might utilize RFID in very different ways. In electronics, for instance, one company might employ the technology to track work-in-process, while another might use it to track finished inventory and verify shipments to stores.

If we can assist you in any way, please let me know.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal

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