What would the direct advantage of radio frequency identification technology be over bar codes if implemented in such an environment?
—Name withheld
There are several benefits, but simply put, it comes down to real-time visibility. Placing passive RFID transponders on catheters and stents, and then putting them into an RFID-enabled cabinet, enables you to know how many of each type of devices are present, as well as when they are removed.
This can improve billing, since removals can be checked against invoicing. It keeps items from disappearing, which saves money, and the accurate data that you can collect with no extra labor allows you to determine the proper inventory levels that must be maintained for each item. The savings and added revenue will most likely pay for the RFID hardware and software within a year.
You should watch this video of a presentation from our recent RFID in Health Care East event, held in Philadelphia: Optimizing Inventory Management in an Acute-Care Setting.
See also:
• Spectrum Health’s Meijer Heart Center Tracks Stents
• UMass Med Center Finds Big Savings Through Tagging
—Mark Roberti, Editor, RFID Journal