Wiliot Launches Ambient IoT Innovation Kit

The new kit is intended to help companies solve challenges regarding supply chains, retail, consumer packaged goods, healthcare and agriculture.
Published: January 23, 2023

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Internet of Things (IoT) platform provider Wiliot has announced the launch of its Innovation Kit. The new kit is designed to provide companies with an onramp to explore and build ambient IoT solutions, enabling them to solve challenges regarding supply chains, retail, consumer packaged goods, healthcare, agriculture and other areas. The kit is being offered alongside Wiliot’s Starter Kit, a plug-and-play system using an IoT Pixel-ready coffee cup to demonstrate item-level temperature monitoring (see Wiliot Launches Retail IoT Starter Kit and Hands-on Training with Your Bluetooth Starter Kit).

Wiliot Launches Ambient IoT Innovation Kit

Wiliot’s Innovation Kit

The Innovation kit, the company explains, is designed to foster the concept of ambient IoT by offering a hands-on experience with Wiliot’s platform, as well as providing IoT Pixels that can be attached to items selected by users. IoT Pixels are tiny, postage-stamp-sized computers that can sense temperature, location and other variables. The devices can power themselves by harvesting radio waves (see Wiliot Expands BLE Sensor Solution with Platform, V2 Chips), and they can be attached to a variety of goods and assets, enabling intelligence and producing actionable insights.

The kit also features edge devices built to energize and relay IoT Pixel data, as well as access to Wiliot Cloud Services, and digital solution guides outlining how ambient IoT technologies can solve business challenges. Wiliot says its mission, accelerated by the Innovation Kit’s launch, is “to make every single thing an agent of change, unlocking access to an ambient IoT that adds intelligence and connectivity to reusable packaging, apparel, pharmaceuticals, food and nearly any other product.”

Thadious Fisher, the company’s VP of global channels, explained in a prepared statement, “We’re illuminating what was once in the dark by providing companies with actionable insights—and the status of every product at every moment—and the implications are profound. With real-time sensing and product lifecycle traceability, food is safer and fresher, medicine is more secure, and goods and assets are easily located.”