Which Manufacturers’ Tags Are Suitable for Tracking Assets in a Data Center?

Published: June 17, 2011

I understand that such tags need to be read-on-metal passive or active tags. Is this true?

—Name withheld


Generally speaking, most IT asset tracking is being performed with passive ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) transponders based on the EPC Gen 2 RFID standard. They do need to be specially designed to work on metal assets.

There are a variety of tags that might be suitable. Take a look at the following:

• The Prox tag, from Omni-ID

• The XCTF-8402-C03 tag, from Invengo

• The SteelBYTE and Steelwave Micro tags, from Confidex

• The NOX-TM4 tag, from Simply RFID

There are other models available on the market as well. ODIN has benchmarked these tags. Its report, “RFID Metal-Mount Tag Benchmark,” is worth purchasing if you need to track assets.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal