I don’t like to engage in excessive self-congratulatory writing, because I understand our readers are focused on how to employ radio frequency identification to improve the way they do business. But I think it’s worth stopping to note that today, RFID Journal published its 10,000th article. That is a lot of ink—and pixels—over the past decade.
Our 10,000th article, fittingly, is the cover story for the current issue of our digital magazine (see Europe Is Rolling Out RFID). While this would normally be premium content, we have made this special article available to all readers.
I’m proud that we have sustained a level of editorial excellence for 10 years that few trade publications maintain for even a year or two. I attribute that to our outstanding editorial staff. Andrea Linne assigns and edits all of our magazine articles and feature stories on the Web site, while Paul Prince assigns and edits all news stories and Expert Views. Both have been with RFID Journal almost from the beginning, so their knowledge of RFID is deep.
Our managing editor, Rich Handley, copy-edits and posts most of our articles, and he also provides additional research and links. Our news reporters, Claire Swedberg, Rhea Wessel and Mary Catherine O’Conner, have been contributing for years, as have contributing writers John Edwards and Jenny Zaino.
This long history with RFID means our writers and editors have perspective and the knowledge to ask the right questions. That enables us to flesh out stories in a way that explains what the business benefits are, and which technology was implemented to achieve them.
I thank everyone on my staff for their contributions. Publishing is a tough business. Ten years is a lot to be proud of.
Mark Roberti is the founder and editor of RFID Journal. If you would like to comment on this article, click on the link below. To read more of Mark’s opinions, visit the RFID Journal Blog, the Editor’s Note archive or RFID Connect.