RFID Journal LIVE! Europe to Feature Speakers from Leading End-User Companies

The one-day event will highlight RFID deployments in the region, and demonstrate the latest technology solutions.
Published: July 2, 2013

RFID Journal LIVE! Europe 2013, to be held on Oct. 15, in London, England, will focus on educating end users about how radio frequency identification technology is delivering real business benefits across the continent. The conference and exhibition will also feature a co-located event, RFID in Europe, connecting European end users, operators, solution providers, universities, research establishments, non-government and government organizations, and all other European stakeholders, through the promotion of national projects via an international network.

At this unique program:

Antony Robbins, the Museum of London‘s director of communications, will share how the museum is utilizing Near Field Communication (NFC) RFID tags at its two facilities to provide vouchers, exhibit information, reservations and other data to users equipped with NFC-enabled smartphones (see London History Museum Adopts Technology of Future).

Justin Patton, the managing director of the University of Arkansas’ RFID Research Center, will share the results of a recently published white paper that studied how well a variety of retailers and suppliers have been able to maintain the proper execution of RFID tasks and tagging.

Fernando Ferreira Matos, the head of information technologies at TAP Maintenance and Engineering (TAP M&E), will discuss how TAP Portugal and TAP M&E save more than $3.3 million annually on their maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) processes thanks to RFID (see Portuguese Airline TAPs Into RFID).

Luis Felipe Marin, Tudespensa.com‘s technical director, and Jose Vicente Caballero, DLR‘s logistics manager, will explain how the online supermarket utilizes RFID to provide on-time delivery of its products (see Online Grocer Tracks Orders Via RFID).

Hans Jörg, Roline‘s project manager, will share how the Dutch truck tire company is using a permanent rubberized patch tag for retread tires, a disposable adhesive RFID tag for new tires, and handheld and fixed readers to track the tires through the retread and storage processes (see Dutch Tire Company Bonds EPC Tags to Retreads).

David Rimmer, Kingston University‘s faculty technical manager, will present a session outlining how the university employed an RFID solution that automates its after-hours return process, and how it conducts inventory counts of 2,000 pieces of media equipment that it loans out to students and faculty members (see Kingston University Gets Payback by Using RFID to Track Loaned Equipment).

In addition, RFID Journal LIVE! Europe will feature an exhibit area in which leading technology companies will showcase their latest solutions. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from those who have already deployed RFID, and to network with leading end users. For more information, please visit the LIVE! Europe Web site, www.rfidjournalevents.com/europe, or call (631) 249-4960.