RFID Journal LIVE! 2014 to Feature IEEE Co-located Event

For the seventh year in row, LIVE! will host the premier event for sharing timely research results in all areas of RFID technologies and their applications.
Published: February 6, 2014

RFID Journal announced today that IEEE RFID 2014 will be held at the RFID Journal LIVE! 2014 conference and exhibition, the company’s 12th annual event focused on radio frequency identification (RFID) and its many business applications. LIVE! 2014 will take place on Apr. 8-10, at the Orange County Convention Center, located in Orlando, Fla.

“The combination of IEEE RFID and RFID Journal LIVE! offers a unique opportunity for industry and academic participants to network and form new collaborations across traditional RFID applications, as well as exciting new areas,” says Greg Durgin, IEEE 2014’s general chair. “This year, we offer more professional development opportunities with new cutting-edge workshops and tutorials. We invite all participants, whether from industry or academia, to participate and share their newest ideas that will help define the future of RFID.”

Since 2007, the IEEE International Conference on RFID (CRFID) has been the premier venue for exchanging all technical RFID-related research (see At IEEE RFID Conference, Passive Tags Talk With Each Other, Contact Lenses Help Control Diabetes). The event’s attendance boasts a mix of international practitioners and researchers from industry and academia, and spans numerous disciplines. Hot topics this year will include multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO), ultra-wideband (UWB), power harvesting and biomedical applications.

“Having the IEEE RFID event co-located with LIVE! brings together academic researchers with end users of RFID and solution providers, all under one roof,” says Mark Roberti, RFID Journal‘s founder and editor. “This makes the combined event a unique opportunity to network, see the latest solutions and find out what people are working on in the labs.”

LIVE! 2014 will also feature four industry-specific and four how-to conference tracks, as well as eight in-depth preconference seminars and workshops, four post-conference seminars, fast-track training presented by RFID4U, and the RFID Journal Awards. In addition, the conference will offer exhibits and demonstrations conducted by more than 200 of the industry’s leading technology firms.

Attendees registering early will have the opportunity to save more than $700 off regular rates for the RFID industry’s most important conference and exhibition. For the greatest savings, attendees can purchase an All-Access Pass, which includes admission to all LIVE! preconference seminars and workshops, the main conference and post-conference sessions, the full exhibit hall, and the entire IEEE RFID 2014 program. Additional information is available at www.rfidjournalevents.com/live/.