RFID Journal has teamed with LOGyCA, a logistics services and consulting firm based in Bogotá, Colombia, to produce RFID Journal Español, a Spanish-language edition of RFID Journal’s Web site. RFID Journal Español, which is being officially launched after operating for a period of time on a trial basis, features translations of case studies and other articles appearing in English on RFID Journal’s original Web site, as well as news articles regarding RFID-related projects in South America. As traffic to the new site grows, RFID Journal’s plan is to expand it to include a newsletter and other features.
“We’re very excited about this partnership,” says Rafael Florez, director of LOGyCA. “RFID Journal is regarded throughout the world for its high-quality, objective articles. We think companies throughout the region will value these articles.”
LOGyCA has also signed an agreement with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Transportation and Logistics (MIT-CTL) and created the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI). The center is part of the MIT Global SCALE (Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence) Network, an international alliance of leading research and education centers dedicated to the development of supply chain and logistics excellence through innovation.
“RFID is giving companies the ability to better manage their operations and achieve a return on investment, and companies in Latin America are eager to achieve these benefits,” says Mark Roberti, founder and editor of RFID Journal. “With its relationship with MIT, LOGyCA is well positioned to help educate end users, systems integrators and others in the region.”
LOGyCA has already developed a hosted EPC Information Service (EPCIS) solution that large and small businesses can use to share RFID data (see GS1 Colombia Provides EPCIS Service). The company maintains a lab for testing RFID tags, and for demonstrating applications ranging from warehouse management to automated retail checkout.
“We believe EPC and RFID will play an important role in helping companies improve their business processes,” Florez says, “and this partnership will help us spread awareness.”