RFID Global announces Visi-Trac Analytics

Transforming IoT generated data sets into actionable information
Published: April 16, 2017

RFID Global Solution, Inc., the leading provider of asset management and supply chain solutions, is pleased to announce Visi-Trac Analytics, providing a new level of real-time operational intelligence that empowers companies to forecast future outcomes, prevent operational disruptions, and improve supply chain performance.

The capabilities are endless with Visi-Trac Analytics which transforms massive amounts of data generated from the IoT into actionable information.

Visi-Trac Analytics delivers:

• Insights through advanced analytics that give actionable information and let you capitalize on the value of complex data;
• Sophisticated, personalized reports, and critical, top-level views of your organization via operational dashboards; and
• Automated delivery of personalized reports, documents, and dashboards for every user when and where they need it, including mobile devices.

Visi-Trac Analytics

Key Features:
• Analytic Dashboards – Create highly interactive dashboards and content with visually appealing charts and embedded geospatial and advanced analytics.
• Interactive Visual Exploration – Explore data via an array of visualization options including geographic maps, heat and tree maps, scatter plots, etc.
• Embedded Analytics – Seamlessly and easily access analytic information within the Visi-Trac platform.
• Mobile Analytics – View analytic dashboards and content on mobile devices.
• Self Service Analytics – Create your own dashboards and reports with easy to use tools, enabling business-centric analytics when you need the information.
• Harmonize Your Data – Analyze a more diverse range and more complex combination of data sources. Enable broad connectivity and data ingestion from multiple sources.
• Cloud-based Business Intelligence – Build, manage and deploy analytics in the cloud or on premise.

Visi-Trac Analytics Benefits:

Enrich and maximize your existing corporate systems with powerful analytics and compelling data visualizations that deliver insights on any aspect of your business.

Continuously analyze accurate, real-time data from the Internet of Things to drive operational efficiencies, compliance and security.

Create, interact with, and share a wide range of data visualizations, dashboards, and reports with both business users and technology professionals.

Engage business stakeholders with rich, interactive visualizations, including geographic maps, facility floorplans and other advanced rack and shelf visualizations; interactive data tables with in-cell graphics; and grouped reports with drill-down and drill-through capabilities.

Bring all your critical data into a single view by connecting to any data source including RFID data sets, GPS location data, barcode scans, relational databases, cloud applications, Web Services, and spreadsheets.

Get Visi-Trac Analytics and improve your business operations today.

About RFID Global Solution
RFID Global Solution is the leading provider of real-time asset management solutions for enterprise and supply chain applications giving you accurate, real-time location, condition, environment, history, and anything else you need to know about your Internet of Things. Visi-TracTM, the firm’s software platform, automates tracking and managing capital assets, enabling users to locate and authenticate things in multiple facilities on a global scale. Visi-Trac Analytics turns your IoT generated data into actionable business intelligence. Learn how Visi-Trac’s integrated dashboards, reports and operational metrics can provide insights, alerts and business value to your business at www.rfidgs.com.