Has RFID Proven Successful in the Food Sector?

Published: April 24, 2009

Is there any evidence that radio frequency identification (passive, battery-assisted passive or active) has been used successfully in the agricultural and food industries?

—Name withheld


Yes—in fact, there is a great deal of evidence.

• The state of Hawaii has shown that RFID can be used to track food through the entire supply chain (see Hawaii Plans Trace-Back Program for Fresh Food).

• Switzerland’s largest retail chain, Manor, is employing ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) active RFID tags with built-in sensors to measure and log the temperatures of 1,800 freezers and refrigerators every 10 minutes (see At Manor, RFID Keeps Food From Spoiling).

• And Norway’s largest food supplier, Nortura, is launching a system that will utilize RFID to track meat from its butchering and processing plant to the store, with a long-term goal of tracing chicken, beef, lamb and pork from an animal’s birth to the consumer’s plate (see Norwegian Food Group Nortura to Track Meat).

There are other examples available—simply search our online archive of news stories, case studies and other articles.

—Mark Roberti, Editor, RFID Journal