Has Anybody Put an RFID Tag Inside a Psion Workabout Pro 3?

Published: July 13, 2012

Has this been done, and is it possible? We would like to use the tags to maintain inventory control of these devices.

—Name withheld


Psion has studied the possibility of including tags in its devices, such as the Workabout Pro product line. However, the company has not implemented this solution to date. That said, it can be done.

It’s possible that once Motorola‘s purchase of Psion is complete (see Motorola to Broaden Handheld Reader Portfolio With Psion Acquisition), Motorola may begin embedding RFID tags in the Workabout Pro line. Motorola began adding tags to all of its handheld devices, starting in 2009 (see Motorola Embeds RFID Tags in Its Handheld Computers).

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal