GS1 Smart-Packaging Platform Connects Physical and Digital Worlds

The GS1 Registry Platform enables product information to be shared throughout the supply chain and with customers via RFID, barcodes and digital printing.
Published: August 19, 2020

Given technological developments worldwide and the need to standardize the identification of products via barcodes, radio frequency identification and digital printing, GS1, the Brazilian Automation Association, has created the GS1 Registry Platform. The new platform allows all supply chain members and product consumers to access accurate information regarding expiration dates, lot numbers, characteristics and other information that could benefit companies and manage products’ authenticity.

GS1 Brasil’s Virginia Villaescusa Vaamonde

Virginia Villaescusa Vaamonde, GS1 Brasil’s CEO, recently discussed this initiative and others with IoP Journal, including the organization’s business platform for small and medium-sized companies. The free platform, which serves 58,000 companies associated with GS1 Brasil, is intended to facilitate networking and the expansion of sales channels. “The idea is to approach industries—primarily the smallest ones—physically and online,” she says. With the initiative, GS1 intends to act as a facilitator for the commercial exposure of companies on the Internet, to help them expand to new markets and sales channels.

The business platform has 50 product categories, divided between such sectors as food and beverages, healthcare, perfumery, footwear, clothing, household items, electronics, tools, construction, pets, gardening and cleaning. As companies become part of the program, they must sign up to receive guidance and services from GS1. Businesses that take part will have access to business-to-business and business-to-consumer deals, the organization explains.

The platform was developed within 45 days and had, as a starting point, the difficulties identified in a survey that GS1 had conducted with its associates at the beginning of the social isolation necessitated by the worldwide spread of COVID-19. The biggest difficulties cited by companies interviewed in the survey included reducing turnover and the need to diversify business to adapt to the new norm during the pandemic. Access to the platform is available at GS1’s website.