Calling All RFID Students

RFID Journal is seeking volunteers to help out at RFID Journal LIVE! 2008.
Published: December 11, 2007

At RFID Journal, we pride ourselves on having the best events in the world. Attendees often tell us they appreciate the quality of our content and the size of our exhibit hall—both of which are second to none—and the fact that our events are so well run. Sessions begin and end on time, and attendees receive clear directional signs, an informative program guide and all the other important basics.

One thing we do that many events do not is provide someone in each breakout room to introduce the speaker, alert that speaker when 10 minutes are left and call on attendees during a question-and-answer period following each presentation. But with RFID Journal LIVE! getting bigger, and with the number of tracks and seminars rising, we no longer have enough RFID Journal staff to act as track chairs or preconference seminar chairs.

Therefore, we’d like to invite university students to perform this function at RFID Journal LIVE! 2008, being held April 16-18 in Las Vegas. Essentially, we’re offering free access to the entire event for students who agree to chair a preconference seminar or track for a day (or two). This will help us run the event well, while also giving students unable to afford the registration fee a chance to attend.

If you are student and would like to volunteer to be a track chair, please e-mail me at
[email protected].