Call For Academic Papers

The RFID Academic Convocation has issued a call for papers for the fifth RFID Academic Convocation, which will be held in conjunction with RFID Journal LIVE! 2007. I am pasting the call below so that all interested researchers can contact the organizing committee.
Published: December 21, 2006

Call for Papers

FIFTH RFID Academic Convocation

April 30, 2007, Orlando, Florida

This event will concentrate on the identification of research needs from RFID towards the “Internet of Things” with respect to different application areas, and act as a platform for continuing the dialogue with the RFID stakeholders on an international level. We welcome papers that focus on original research, development, and experiences. We also encourage surveys of available technologies, and reports on user experiences.

Among the topics that will be addressed during the Fifth RFID Academic Convocation are:

* Aero-ID research

* Mixed RF infrastructure for Health Care Life Sciences Distribution Centers

* Open Source EPC-IS

* RFID and sensors for Cold Chain applications

* RFID in International Supply Chains

* Smart Containers

Workshop Proceedings:

Proceedings will be published on the MIT and RFID Journal Web sites. Accepted articles can be published elsewhere without restriction.

Submission Guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit papers of a maximum of 12 pages, which should be original, unpublished work for presentation at the conference in the form of full papers. Word files are preferred. Papers can be submitted by e-mail to:
[email protected]. Acceptance will be based on full paper.

Important Dates:

Submission deadline: February 15, 2007

Acceptance notification: March 15, 2007

Fifth RFID Academic Convocation-RFID Live! 2007 Organizing Committee:

* Gisele Bennet, Ph.D., Georgia Tech

* Tom Caine, University of Pittsburgh

* Bill Hardgrave, Ph.D., University of Arkansas

* Marlin Mickle, University of Pittsburgh

* Steve Miles, Auto-ID Labs at MIT

* Mark Roberti, RFID Journal

* John Williams, Auto-ID Labs at MIT

Fifth RFID Academic Convocation—RFID LIVE! 2007 Conference Committee:

* Gisele Bennet, Ph.D., Georgia Tech

* Tom Caine, University of Pittsburgh

* Peter Cole, Adelaide

* Sang Gug Lee, ICU

* Jean-Pierre Emond, University of Florida

* Elgar Fleisch, St. Gallen

* Duncan McFarlane, Cambridge University

* Steve Miles, MIT

* Hao Min, Fudan

* Jun Murai, Keio

* John Williams, MIT

Conference Details

Conference Venue: Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Florida

Conference Date and Registration: May 31, 2007 (Register here.)

Call for Papers

* Please submit the abstract, paper or presentation file no later than February15th 2007 to

[email protected].

* Please send all questions to
[email protected]