Following the company’s recent launch of its patented “world first” 99%+ accurate wide-area passive RFID detection Space Ranger 9200 technology, PervasID has now launched a complete customer solution which includes an anti-theft RFID system using its Gate Ranger 9200 technology and a point-of-sale RFID system (POS Ranger). This allows retailers and other industries to not only see the stock that they have throughout a shop or building at the click of a button in real time, but also to monitor items entering and leaving the building and being checked out. It uses a network of revolutionary new flat ceiling tile antennas which are located discretely at intervals across a shop floor or stock room, and which reduces the required number of antennas by a staggering 75%. Learn how this groundbreaking ceiling tile antenna RFID reader system now achieves 99%+ detection accuracy and responsiveness, in a very cost-effective way, delivering a 12-month ROI.