Give Us Your Feedback

We're conducting some research into how we can improve our RFID Journal LIVE! conference for existing and potential users of the technology, as well as for solution providers, and we'd love to hear from you.
Published: July 14, 2019

As we prepare for next year’s RFID Journal LIVE! conference and exhibition, which will take place on Apr. 28-30, 2020, in Orlando, Fla., we’re conducting research to understand how we can make the event better and more productive for attendees. We recently sent out a link to an online survey, and if you responded, thank you for your input. If you didn’t respond but would like to, please click here if you have attended RFID Journal LIVE! before or here if you have never attended the event.

My team and I have been calling on past attendees directly to get some feedback on how we can make the event better. I would also encourage you to email me if you’ve attended and have thoughts on how we could make it better for you in the future. Even if you’ve never attended, I’d still love to learn why you feel there is not enough value for you to join us.

Here are some specific questions we hope to get answers to:
• Do you feel the conference program is too long, too short or just about right?
• Is there content you feel we should add to the conference program?
• Is there content you think we should remove?
• Are there pass options we should add (perhaps the ability to purchase one session or one track, for instance)?
• Are there different types of sessions we should add?
• Would you like to see more training options?
• Were you able to find the right solution providers in the exhibit hall?
• How might we improve our pre-event communication with attendees?

There are a lot more questions I could add, but I would say to simply tell us what you think about the event—what you like, what frustrates you, what you think we can do better and so forth. Simply email me with your responses. Thanks for your input.

Mark Roberti is the founder and editor of RFID Journal.