STMicroelectronics’ Upgrades Reader IC: Boosting Reader Performance to 800 Tags Per Second

Published: October 19, 2020

The ST25RU3993 RAIN® (UHF) RFID reader IC received an upgrade to help reader manufacturers boost product performance and provide additional functionality. This session will cover the product’s main features, including multi-protocol support for the 840-960 MHz UHF band (it is compatible with ISO18000-62 & -63, ISO29143 and to GS1’s EPC UHF Gen2 air interface protocols); on-chip VCO, a power amplifier, dense reader mode (DRM) functionality and support for frequency-hopping, low-level transmission coding, low-level decode, data framing, and CRC checking. The webinar will also explain the improved software and hardware, performance tests, and benchmark results with industry-leading read rates. Learn how the new capabilities can be leveraged in retail, aviation and other key industries.

Speaker: Jim Barlow, Business Development and Technical Marketing, STMicroelectronics