The U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory has developed an active RFID technology for nuclear applications by government, as well as by civilian nuclear industries and for tracking radioactive sources used in oil and gas explorations. The RFID technology, called ARG-US, is currently being used in field testing and applications at selected DOE sites to manage nuclear materials that have accumulated over 60 years. Hear how Argonne’s ARG-US software manages dataflow among tags, readers, secured databases and Web servers for nuclear material containers during transportation and storage, including off-site source recovery for global threat reduction. Learn how the system is improving safety, security, accountability, worker and public health, and environmental protection during storage, transportation and disposal, and how RFID will support the DOE and nuclear industries in modernizing the management of the lifecycle of nuclear materials, and in greatly improving situation awareness during transport and accidents.
Speaker: Dr. Yung Y. Liu, Manager, DOE/PCP Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology Program, Argonne National Laboratory