RFID Helps Hospital Maintain Patient Safety, Reduce Labor Costs

Published: February 16, 2013

Children’s Hospital Colorado is installing RFID sensors to monitor the temperatures of refrigerators, blood coolers, blanket warmers and other heating or cooling appliances within the new 10-story tower that it is currently constructing. Temperature fluctuation can have a damaging effect on such products as medications, blood or food, and can constitute a safety hazard. Currently, the hospital is using the system to track the temperatures of 641 heating or cooling units throughout its existing facility, every five to 15 minutes. The hospital utilizes the technology to diagnose and reduce temperature fluctuations within the coolers and heaters, bringing the number of daily alarms from an average of 50 to 60 alerts per day for 400 units, down to 7.8 alerts daily for all 641 units. Learn how the frequent automated readings and alerts have improved safety, while also reducing manual labor costs. Whereas the nursing staff previously had to check temperatures within all cooling and heating units and record the results once each shift, that process is now automated.

Harry (Butch) Wilcox, Non-Clinical Equipment Lead, Children’s Hospital Colorado