Getting the Business Case Right for RFID in Retail

Published: February 27, 2013

Each of the more than 100 RFID retail programs worldwide is driven by business conditions that are as unique as the companies themselves. In this session, learn how a flexible simulation-based approach can help you see RFID’s impact on your business. The speaker will demonstrate a range of retail profiles in specialty, mass-market and mid-market apparel for replenishment, as well as fashion-oriented categories. By rapidly exploring different deployment scenarios, you can understand the connection to quantitative business results. For example, the presenter will show how factors like handheld and fixed read points, or weekly vs. daily inventory counts, contribute to on-shelf availability for your customers. These examples will help you gain insight into the best way to incorporate RFID into your operations.


Larry Arnstein, Senior Director Business Development, Impinj, Inc.