Beyond Asset Tracking: How UCSD Medical Center Achieved an ROI With an Active RFID Real-Time Location System

Published: February 28, 2013

The University of California’s San Diego Medical Center initially lowered its rental costs for mobile medical equipment and improved its overall equipment and maintenance processes by implementing a real-time locating system (RTLS). The university has since gone beyond asset tracking to develop departmental applications, such as enterprise workflow with medical instrumentation tray tracking across multiple campuses. In this session, recorded at RFID in Health Care Boston, Sept. 17, 2009, learn about the center’s original asset-management goals, and discover how it solved a broad range of process and workflow issues with RFID, including how it managed the equipment used at its Incident Command Center during a recent San Diego fire. In addition, find out how the center reduced inventory requirements and enhanced revenue impact by managing millions of dollars’ worth of instrumentation using a sterilizable RTLS tag.
Speaker: Scott Sullivan, Business Manager, University of California, San Diego Medical Center