Latest In: supply chain management

agriculture Equipment Monitoring Farming greenhouses IoT Irrigation Automation RFID Storage Monitoring supply chain management

Making Farms Smarter and More Efficient With IoT Connectivity

Smart farming is revolutionizing the global agriculture industry with innovative technologies and systems. IoT is at the forefront…

Expert Views November 12
AI artificial intelligence auto parts cellular tracking Data extreme weather IoT radio frequency identification Real-time data RFID Strike Supply Chain supply chain management U.S. Ports ultra-wideband Vehicles
Artificial Intelligence AI Auto Fleets

How the Port Workers Strike Reinforces the Need for Improved Supply Chain Resiliency

Though the strike was short and has been resolved, the lessons learned highlight the importance of bolstering supply…

Expert Views October 16
Alex Barinaga cardiac cath labs Impinj Speedway RFID International Heart Institute inventory Josh Lund Kathy Ho Laird LLUH Loma Linda University Health Loma Linda University Hospital medical supplies RF Max RFID RFID Journal LIVE! 2024 Awards supply chain management Times-7 UDI Unique Device Identification VUEMED VueTrack-RF
Loma Linda University Medical Center International Heart Institute RFID

California Heart Institute Tracks Supplies with RFID

Loma Linda University Health’s International Heart Institute officials call the UHF RFID solution from VueMed “a game changer.”…

News April 1