Latest In: Mars

David Cappelleri extraterrestrial GitHub Harvard machine learning Mars Mississippi State University Moon NASA Purdue University QR-codes Resilient Extra-Terrestrial Habitats institute RETHi robots space stations University of Connecticut University of Texas at San Antonio
Purdue University NASA Robots

NASA Looking to Use Purdue Robots on Moon, Mars

  Purdue University researchers have completed early testing of robots using three different “end effectors” that act as…

News May 13
Ali Ahmed Art’s Specialties auto-checkout system Automotive Autonomous Retail Collective Avery Dennison Avery Dennison Smartrac Ben & Jerry’s Fatty Mart Mars mobile sales Pharmacy Robomart PIX Moving Rainbow Foods RFID Robomart SBX Snacks Robomart Susan Flake Whale Dynamic Zeeba
Robomart store-hailing systems

Consortium to Expand RFID-based, Self-Driving Stores

  A collective launched by five technology companies plan to develop and release store-hailing systems in cities around…

News May 6