Latest In: Food/Agriculture

Automotive Food/Agriculture Logistics Manufacturing Packaging
TriEnda and Metalcraft have partnered to provide innovative packaging solutions.

TriEnda’s Packaging and Pallets Come RFID-Enabled

Manufactures are using TriEnda's reusable pallets and other products with Metalcraft UHF RFID tags customized for use cases…

News June 14
BLE Energy Harvesting Food/Agriculture NFC
The pilot tested how well consumers could track what products were in their refrigerator, whether or not they were home, as well as how much was left in the containers and if the goods were likely to still be fresh.

SATO Proof-of-Concept Brings BLE Visibility into Home Refrigerators

A Japanese Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry project, using Wiliot battery-free BLE sensors, is testing the viability…

News June 13
Aerospace Food/Agriculture Retail
Tageos' new UHF RFID tags

Tageos Tags Reflect Broadening RFID Demand

The new tags provide automatic identification and sensing capabilities for a variety of products, from metallic packed goods…

News June 7