Latest In: Bryan Witkowski

BLE Bluetooth Low Energy Bryan Witkowski Comcast Energy Star food services Hospitality IoT LoRaWAN MachineQ MQpower SP pest control pharmaceuticals restaurants
Comcast IoT

Comcast Offers IoT Solution that Tracks, Analyzes Energy Consumption

Target applications for Comcast’s MachineQ technology are in pharmaceuticals or life sciences, restaurants and food services, and hospitality.…

News September 23
AI artificial intelligence Bed Pod Bedbugs Bryan Witkowski Comcast Europe Hotels IoT LoRa MachineQ North America Robert Fryers sensor Spotta
Bedbugs MachineQ Spotta

IoT Detects Bedbugs in Hotels

MachineQ has partnered with Spotta to detect the presence of bedbugs in guest bed mattresses with LoRaWAN connectivity,…

News April 19