Where Can I Find RFID-Related Books?

Published: February 12, 2010

What resources about radio frequency identification are there on the market?

—Name withheld


There are plenty out there. Here are just a few you might want to check out:

RFID Handbook: Applications, Technology, Security and Privacy

Edited by Syed Ahson and Mohammad Ilyas

689 pages

CRC Press, 2008


RFID Projects

Offered by RFID Magazine

100 pages

$49, plush $15 for shipping and handling

Click here for more information.

RFID For Dummies

By Patrick J. Sweeney II

For Dummies, 2005

408 pages


RFID Technology and Impacts on Supply Chain Management Systems: Better understand what RFID really can deliver and where its application in supply chain operations is sensible and likely to occur

By Roman Rochel

VDM Verlag, 2008

87 pages


RFID for the Optimization of Business Processes

By Wolf-Ruediger Hansen and Frank Gillert

John Wiley & Sons, 2008

280 pages


Ultra-Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks in Practice: Theory, Realization and Practice

By Mauri Kuorilehto, Mikko Kohvakka, Jukka Suhonen, Panu Hämäläinen, Marko

Hännikäinen and Timo D. Hämäläinen

John Wiley & Sons, 2008

372 pages


In addition, RFID Journal occasionally reviews books related to the RFID industry. Here are several such articles:

A Reading List for Tough Times

New books covering RFID promise to help readers navigate their enterprises through troubled economic waters.

RFID Bookshelf

Five new titles, written by experts in their fields, provide useful in-depth information about critical RFID applications and issues.

RFID Bookshelf

New books examine RFID certification, produce packaging, library applications and the market at large.

RFID Bookshelf: Sensor Readings

Wireless sensors are designed to help people and machines better understand their environment. These five books can help you learn more about wireless sensors.

RFID Bookshelf

New books about radio frequency identification offer in-depth insight on systems and technologies, as well as business issues.

—Mark Roberti, Editor, RFID Journal