What Are Some Potential Challenges Facing RFID Patient Tracking in Health Care?

Published: December 20, 2011

In addition, what research trends have there been in this area?

—Name withheld


I’m unaware of any particular challenges involved in patient tracking, or of any specific research trends in that sector. I would say that hospitals are always searching for less expensive patient-tracking solutions, so research into passive ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) systems might become a particular area of focus. I think that monitoring patients both in hospitals and at home, via telemedicine, will become increasingly important.

I also predict that research into cheaper sensors for detecting falls or other potential issues—particularly with regard to elderly patients living at home—will become increasingly important in the future. Some research has been conducted into detecting when an elderly patient is not getting sufficient exercise, but this could be expanded to monitoring vital signs remotely.

Our readers involved in other areas of health-care research pertaining to RFID are invited to post information below.

—Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal