Voyantic Bendurance, RFID Bend Testing System, analyzes the changes induced to UHF RFID tags’ operation sensitivity due to repeated bending. The tag samples are stressed by running them in a loop through a set of bending rollers. The performance test is done with Tagsurance UHF production testing system, using communication tests at several frequency and power level combinations during the test run. In addition to bending, the samples may also be subjected to compression stress during the run.
The Bendurance operates in multiple motion and test modes. Tags can be stressed in continuous motion monitoring constantly with the points test or the sensitivity measurement test mode. A more thorough analysis can be run in intervals between the test by stopping the continuous stress after a set amount of rounds and running one round by indexing the tags to dwell in the test position. The stress test results are logged into a data file to be handled later on for statistical analysis. The threshold sweep results can be analysed post-test with a separate ‘Tagsurance Sweep Data Analyzer’ software tool.